• EduPage

      173 countries, 150 000 schools, 100 features in 1 system.
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  • Choose your feature
      • Complete school system

        EduPage is a cloud based school management system fully integrated with our world leading scheduling software. Good timetable is crucial for most of the school tasks - from curriculum inputting, attendance tracking, room booking, assigning homework up to e-learning. Since the timetable changes daily, the seamless integration with other school's processes is vital. EduPage provides many features, you can use just some of them, but the true power of synergy shines once you start using more of them or ideally all.
      • {#101494}
      • {#100283}
      • Mobile application

        EduPage mobile application allows you to effectively do things which were practically impossible to do without one. Input your information in the mobile app once. It will automatically be displayed to every person concerned.
      • Timetable

        aSc TimeTables is the world leading software in creating schools’ timetables. Built to satisfy demands of thousands of schools from over 170 countries. It is very unlikely that it has no answer matching your school’s specific needs.
      • {#101497}
      • {#101499}
      • Powerful automatic generator

        You can spend days doing manual work - or you can use aSc TimeTables that can do the same work in 5 minutes. And if a manic colleague or headmaster comes with new request - no problem. The work takes just 5 minutes again, instead of days.
      • Substitution

        Manage your substitutions online. Once the timetable has been created, you just need to input the absentees. EduPage will advise the best cover teacher - but you are free to choose your own candidate. Besides being published on the website and mobile phones, all changes are automatically entered in class registers and calendars.
      • {#100605}
      Benefits and features:
      • Integrated with timetables
      • Move/split or join lessons
      • Define your criteria
      • Define your reason of absence
      • Define your own types of substitutions
      • Printouts
      • {#101502}
      • Share timetable and substitution

        Make the school timetable available to teachers, students and parents. EduPage notifies them about daily substitution changes that are relevant to them personally.
      • Full webpage

        Expect more from your school’s webpage. Webpages in EduPage have been specially designed for schools. When you upload a news item, or images to Photo Gallery, all students and parents are notified. The webpage includes special modules which are linked with your EduPage. Easily publish canteen menu, upcoming events, timetable, application form. No prior experience is needed for creating the webpage. Simple to use wizard will guide you through prepared customizable designs.
      • {#101504}
      • {#100983}
      • Class register

        EduPage class register reflects changes made in the timetable, substitutions and events. You just pick the lesson’s topic from your teaching plan and check the students’ attendance. The boring administration has changed into a useful function. The parents are better informed about what their children have learnt. They can help them with more difficult topics.
      • Teaching plans

        Create your teaching plan at the beginning of the school year. You will not be compelled to write your curriculum into the class register. You will just select it from your plan at your convenience. In the plan you can see what parts of the curriculum have already been taught and the amount of allocated time already spent.
      • {#100778}
      Benefits and features:
      • Create your teaching plan at the beginning of the school year.
      • When filling in the Class register just pick the topic from your plan
      • Copy the same plan to parallel classes you teach. The plans can be synchronized.
      • Next school year copy the plan and adjust it if necessary.
      • {#101508}
      • Lesson preparations

        The teacher can prepare notes, presentations, images, follow-up questions to the topics of their plan. Linking the plan, teaching standards and preparations will help you to keep your materials organized throughout the whole school year.
      Benefits and features:
      • Create attractive teaching materials with easy to use EduPage tool.
      • Templates for different types of test questions and presentation layouts.
      • Incorporate images, videos, recordings, tables, hints,…
      • Uniform design of your presentations allows you to focus on content.
      • Teaching materials are organized by topics in the teaching plan and by the standards.
      • Powerful e-learning tool

        EduPage enables you to quickly prepare a nice presentation, test or HW from materials, which you or other teachers have prepared. You can print the test or the students can do it online, the system automatically evaluates it.
      • {#101510}<br />
      Benefits and features:
      • Group selected presentation and question cards into one captivating teaching material.
      • Create a test from the questions in your preparations.
      • Assign the test to your students for online work, or print it out.
      • Use materials created by other teachers.
      • {#101512}
      • Interactive lessons

        Present your teaching materials on an interactive whiteboard or on a projector. The students can connect to the presentation via their smartphone and answer the questions from the presentation. EduPage evaluates the answers and saves them in Results.
      Benefits and features:
      • Brighten up the lesson.
      • Captivate the students’ attention.
      • Engage students in the topic.
      • You will have an overview of the students’ grasp of the topic.
      • See the students answers already during the presentation.
      • Adjust the focus of the presentation on topics the students have not yet understood.
      • The results

        Edupage evaluates online tests automatically. It also provides an effective tool for evaluating printed tests. Detailed statistics will show you how students grasped individual standards and you can also track progress of individual students.
      • {#101514}
      Benefits and features:
      • You don’t spend time evaluating and grading tests.
      • The students’ answers are sorted by student, question, standard and the result achieved.
      • Grades can be published directly from the Results section.
      • See which question and standard was causing the students problems.
      • {#101389}
      • Grades

        Award the students grades, points, percentages,… The students and their parents immediately receive a notification about the new grade in their phones. With our flexible settings you can set fair rules for calculating the weight of a particular assignment into the final grade. The average and final grades are computed automatically.
      • Attendance tracking

        Parents want to stay informed about their children’s attendance. Let them know about the child’s arrival at or departure from school. Simplify your work of summarizing absent lessons.
      • {#101517}
      Benefits and features:
      • Teachers register students' attendance in their lessons in the computer or in the mobile application.
      • Class teachers can excuse the absent students from the lessons.
      • Cumulative students' attendance reports are computed automatically.
      • When the student is absent, the parents are immediately notified.
      • Automatic reminder to teachers who have not checked the students attendance in their lesson.
      • {#100878}
      • Absence Notes

        The parents can write an absence note for the time the student was absent from the lessons. The time, date and reason of absence have been input to the system by the parent. The teacher just accepts or rejects the absence note with one click. EduPage tracks unexplained student absences and reminds parents to write an absence note. EduPage electronic absence notes are impossible to fake. The list and history of all input absence notes is available at all times. In case of a school event, the teacher can excuse the attending students in a single absence note.
      • Access control

        Access control system is linked to the school’s aScTimetables, aScSubstitutions and EduPage. The hardware part of the system registers the teachers and students access cards or tags and distributes the information to the attendance registration part in the software.
      • {#101520}
      Benefits and features:
      • The teacher can see a list of absent students in the Class register.
      • The substitutions management know which teachers are absent and which of them are present.
      • Parents receive a notification when their child arrived and departed the school building.
      • The teacher does not have to inform the parents about their child’s repeated late arrivals. They already know are probably working on a solution.
      • At the end of the month you will have a detailed overview of lessons taught or substituted, arrivals and departures from school by teacher.
      • {#100082}
      • Payments

        Enter payments, send notices to parents, import payments from a bank accounts and automatically match them. The EduPage payments system saves you a lot of work and frees up your teachers to teach instead of trying to collect money from their classes.
      Benefits and features:
      • Overview of all due payments.
      • Access to relevant payment information and bank details.
      • Pay by Viamo.
      • Upload and link bank statements to payments automatically.
      • Create and record cash collections.
      • School canteen software.

        Students can see the menu, they can order or cancel the meal. Choose from a selection of meals offered. Handle allergens, nutritions. Record and reuse your recipes.
      • {#101523}
      Benefits and features:
      • Publish weekly menu on school webpage.
      • Users can order, cancel, select meals.
      • Users can rate the quality and quantity of meals served.
      • Set meal prices according to types of boarders.
      • Set overhead costs on a daily/monthly basis.
      • Board-money calculation and received payments management.
      • {#100861}
      • Standards

        EduPage contains goverment or school standards that the teachers have to cover in their lessons. The use of standards helps the teacher to identify topics which are still causing the students problems..
      Benefits and features:
      • Use either government standards or your school standards.
      • It is easy to track which standards you have already covered.
      • Never forget to cover an assigned standard.
      • Find the right teaching materials by their standards.
      • Compare standards

        It is easy to compare the results of individual students or whole classes - down to individual standards. Can the students create symetrical image? Do they know how to use pytagorean theorem in real life?
      • {#101526}
      Benefits and features:
      • See which teaching standard you should focus on.
      • Compare parallel classes of the same grade by assigned standards.
      • Compare results of the same test in different classes.
      • Aim your effort at the problematic topics.
      • {#101528}
      • Sharing materials among teachers

        The teacher can divide their workload with their colleagues. Teachers can share teaching plans, presentations, tests and other materials in EduPage.
      Benefits and features:
      • Share your strengths among colleagues.
      • Create teaching materials in the topics your specialize in.
      • Use teaching materials created by your colleagues.
      • Create a common data base of attractive teaching materials.
      • Homework

        The teachers assign HW, the students and their parents are informed immediately via notification. The teacher can assign students online HW. The system evaluates the students' answers. The teacher does not have to spend precious time evaluating HW.
      • {#100421}<br />
      Benefits and features:
      • Students and parents are informed. All information about homework is available in EduPage.
      • Information about homework is reliable. No rumors from social networks.
      • Every student knows their homework. No excuses.
      • Homework can be done online and submitted before deadline.
      • The system evaluates the students answers and saves them in the results.
      • {#101561}
      • Competency-based evaluation

        In addition to traditional evaluation (grades, points or percentages) EduPage supports competency-based evaluation of students including self-evaluation.
      Benefits and features:
      • Apart from knowledge of your subject topics, evaluate your students’ competences in specific areas.
      • Let the students evaluate their own work.
      • See the parents’ opinion about their child’s competences in evaluation by parents.
      • Track students’ progress

        Is the student lagging behind? Are their grades improving? Give the student's performance in a wider context. See the student results from the whole class perspective.
      • {#101532}
      Benefits and features:
      • Comparison statistics help you to detect emerging educational problems of students.
      • Compare student performance to other students in class.
      • Compare student performance in different subjects.
      • Follow changes in student performance over a period of time.
      • {#101534}
      • Behavior and notices

        Students’ behavior is a quality that is rated across all subjects, not in a separate lesson. The teachers can evaluate the students’ behavior with grades, compliments or notes.
      Benefits and features:
      • Compliment notes reward good behavior and boost student’s confidence.
      • Notices remind the student to improve their behavior.
      • Parents are informed too and will support your effort.
      • Certificates generating

        We will help you to customize the end of year certificates so that they conform with all the local regulations. Print out end of term/end of year certificates to students. The certificates give overview of student achievements in different subjects, attendance, rank,…
      • {#101536}
      Benefits and features:
      • Cumulative data for the certificate calculates and uploads automatically.
      • Certificates are adjusted to country regulations.
      • Print out certificates and diploma.
      • {#101538}
      • Report designer

        EduPage generates a variety of reports for your school or goverment reporting needs. Reports display combinations of cumulative data and detailed lists.
      Benefits and features:
      • All data for your reports is collected from EduPage.
      • In EduPage you only input data once. It displays in all relevant reports.
      • Manual import or export of data to the reports is not necessary.
      • Awards

        Acknowledge the students’ effort with award certificates. They can proudly show it to their parents and it motivates them to even better results. In EduPage you can find a wide range of award certificates for different types of competitions: talent, sports, knowledge, spelling contests,… You can easily generate personalized certificates for the whole team in one batch. Print the certificates in color with low costs. Certificates with color background look great and you can send them to students electronically. The history section shows the overview of all the issued awarded certificates. You can see the time and date the parents saw and signed the receipt of the certificate.
      • {#1913}
      • {#101540}
      • Calendar

        Teachers or admin can add school events such as discussions, excursions, or school holidays in a common school calendar. It is linked to the class register.
      Benefits and features:
      • Select from several types of events and record it in the school calendar.
      • Some events can optionally cancel the default lesson in the class register.
      • Plan your exams more effectively. Avoid collision with other school events.
      • Room or event booking

        In EduPage it is easy to book a room or teachers' meeting ad hoc. EduPage combines the up to date information from the timetables, absent teacher covers and events. It finds the most suitable room for your meeting at a time convenient for all attendees. The booking immediately displays in the timetable and in the attendees’ class register. All attendees are immediately notified. A room can be booked directly in the class register. The science labs and computer rooms will be finally put to good use. No two classes will ever collide in one classroom.
      • {#101542}
      • {#101544}
      • Administrator’s overview

        A single place for the insight into your schools everyday progress. EduPage highlights areas with potential issues. Have the students been assigned to the right groups? Do your teachers award grades to students systematically? Do the teachers adhere to their teaching plans? EduPage indicates the critical moments in your staff performance, for you to help them find solutions and succeed. Manage your school based on accurate and up-to-date data.
      • Parents

        You can include the parents in the process. EduPage can automatically notify them about attendance, grades or test results. Parent will help the kid instead of complaining.
      • {#100010}
      Benefits and features:
      • Easy communication with parents.
      • Keep parents informed. They will help the student to reach better results.
      • Engage parents in school activities.
      • Parent accounts allow them to sign grades, input absence notes, submit applications, order/cancel meals, pay fees, confirm registrations.
      • Parents get information about all their children in one login.
      • {#100785}
      • Communication

        EduPage offers a powerful communication system. Parents, students and teachers can communicate with each other through messages. Recipients with a mobile application will be notified of the message immediately via a notification.
      Benefits and features:
      • Safe enviroment for students to communicate in.
      • Only EduPage users can communicate, no strangers.
      • Students do not need an e-mail address to communicate in EduPage.
      • All messages are delivered.
      • Claim receipt of an important message from users.
      • User rights

        Administrators can delegate administration rights for individual EduPage modules or functions to a particular teacher. The administrator can see an overview of all delegated rights in the overview. He can simply add or remove the right.
      • {#100366}
      Benefits and features:
      • Admin rights can be granted separately for each module.
      • Up-to-date overview of all users and their admin rights is accessible at all times.
      • {#101549}
      • Registration

        The Registration module allows the school to easily administrate registration to various school events as elective seminars, interested groups, trips, excursions, etc. Students can register throught mobile app.
      Benefits and features:
      • Students register for courses, field trips, events.
      • Confirmation from parent can be required.
      • Restrict minimum/maximum number of participants.
      • Allow second round of registration to students, whose targets have been canceled.
      • Adjust the registration terms according to your needs.
      • Parent Teacher meetings

        Set specific time and date for meeting with your students and their parents. Booking a time slot for a consultation with the teacher is possible for the students and their parents as well. Teacher can book a meeting with parents too. Use for regular weekly meetings or for whole school parent-teacher meeting event.
      • {#101551}
      Benefits and features:
      • Parents or students register for a consulation electronically.
      • You have an overview of the registered.
      • Preparing for the meeting is easier when you know who is coming.
      • If noone registered for a consultation, you don't have to wait.
      • {#101553}
      • Requests

        EduPage aligns all the processes connected with teacher or student requests into one smooth move. A teacher can request a leave of absence, for example. The authorized person accepts the request. EduPage immediately registers the teacher as absent and supplies a list of possible cover teachers. Parents can file requests to teachers. Absence note will be automatically created. The authorized person is informed about a new request immediately and they can approve it anytime, anywhere. All requests and their history are recorded and accessible at any time from the archive of requests.
      • Admissions

        The convenient way of collecting and handling applicants’ data in the admissions process. Publish the electronic application form together with the admission information on your school webpage. The applicants fill out all necessary data online and submit the application. The approved applications are imported into EduPage automatically. Eliminates deciphering parents’ handwriting and transcription errors.
      • {#101445}
      • {#101461}
      • Achievements and awards

        Students’ achievements are the best presentation of your school. Publish them on your school’s webpage. Published information about achievements and awards motivates students, rewards their teachers, attracts other talented students.
      Benefits and features:
      • Just fill in a preset uniform structure with information about the achievement.
      • The achievements are then easy to filter by school year, subject and type of competition.
      • List all the awarded students in the same competition at once.
      • Attach photos from the course of the competition to the achievement.
      • Create a news item for the webpage with one click. No need to reload the same infomation again.
      • Photo Gallery

        Manage photos from your school events. Publish photos on the school webpage or on the class noticeboard. Create galleries and albums. Use EduPage mobile application to add photos directly during an event.
      • {#101557}
      Benefits and features:
      • When adding new photos to the webpage, automatically inform users about new content.
      • Create a news item and save the uploaded images to the Photo gallery in one step.
      • GDPR safe: Access to class photos is restricted only to logged in users of that class.
      • {#101559}
      • Quickly organize surveys and collect results

        It is easy to create a new survey and specify which group can vote – teachers, students or parents. Surveys for whole school or for class. Get quick feedback from respondents on a specific topic.
      Benefits and features:
      • Publish your survey on school webpage, where the site visitors can vote too.
      • Surveys can be created by both the teachers and the students.
      • Open questions are available too.
      • aScOrbit

        System for school districts or managers of school networks. Overview of separate schools. Cumulative data of your schools. Teachers, students, subjects, payments, meals,...
      • {#101490}
      Benefits and features:
      • Information from all of your schools in one place.
      • View contracts, statistics, school events.
      • Manage payments.
      • Send messages to teachers on all your schools.
      • {#101492}
      • Future proof

        We help the school to grow and help it to prepare for the future - whatever the future may look like. EduPage will safely lead you through novel practices in education systems.
      Benefits and features:
      • Always evolving.
      • Creating new teaching tools for emerging needs.
      • Anticipating demand, new features incorporated.
      • In Montree Suksa School, we have already adopted three programs: MEP, IEP and ECE so taking the Edupage in structuring and organizing timetables has helped us to do so more easily and conveniently. It’s easier and more convenient for teachers on roll-calls and grading students. Recommend the Edupage program to all teachers.
        • Miss Netchanok Sangketchon
        • Miss Netchanok Sangketchon Head of Foreign Language Department of Montri Suksa SchoolThailand
      • Organizing timetables in Edupage program is easy, no need to use Excel or time consuming manual input anymore. To do the job manually especially for academic teachers would find the manual method quite frustrated. Another thing is Edupage helps us see if teachers are busy or schedules are overlapped and why. This is a part of Edupage's advantage for schools to be considered. I recommend using it for the reasons mentioned. Thank you.
        • Miss Suphannee Sae-Chai
        • Miss Suphannee Sae-ChaiDeputy Director of Anuban Iamsook SchoolThailand